Surgery beach chair market analysis and insights.

This project equipped the client with insights and messaging to drive Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring and Tissue Oximetry adoption in high-value orthopedic surgeries.


  • Identification of drivers and barriers to the adoption of aHDM and TO in orthopedic surgeries, enabling the client to target the most promising areas.
  • Development of a business case for each procedure, comparing benefits versus costs, equipping the client with a compelling rationale for using aHDM and TO.
  • Insights into physician pain points, allowing the client to craft preliminary messaging that addresses specific needs, forming a solid foundation for effective engagement.


  • Assess market readiness for Tissue Oximetry (TO) and Non-Invasive Advanced Hemodynamic Monitoring (aHDM) in orthopedic surgeries, specifically in the beach chair position.
  • Identify drivers and barriers for the broader adoption of aHDM and TO in orthopedic surgeries, outlining the key factors influencing market uptake.
  • Analyze high-potential orthopedic procedures for aHDM and TO, including procedure duration, physician pain points, unmet needs, complication rates, patient profiles (age, comorbidities), and anesthesia types used.
  • Profile physician pain points for surgeons and anesthesiologists performing orthopedic surgeries in the beach chair position, highlighting specific challenges.
  • Evaluate aHDM and TO capabilities in addressing these pain points, assessing their potential to improve outcomes and ease procedural difficulties.
  • Map the Customer journey, key stakeholders, and most important decision-making factors in the orthopedic area, individually for each investigated country.
  • Conduct cost analysis and develop a business case comparing the benefits versus costs of implementing aHDM and TO in key orthopedic procedures to build a compelling value proposition.
  • Develop preliminary messaging to effectively communicate the client’s value proposition to physicians, tailored to address their primary concerns and procedure-specific benefits.


  • Western Europe
  • Central & Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Other
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