In-depth analysis of the CEE heating appliances market: Assessment of market volume and segmentation by product groups.

The project delivered a detailed understanding of the heating appliances market in Central and Eastern Europe, with a specific focus on the development and volume of lower-power heating appliances.


  • Detailed understanding of the heating appliances market in CEE, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of the market structure and trends.
  • Facilitated integration and sharing of market data among Association Members, enabling them to have an accurate picture of the heating appliances market in the region.
  • Strategic insights for stakeholders, helping them make informed decisions regarding product development and business strategies based on analyzing market volume, macroeconomic factors, the residential construction market, and growth in specific product groups within the region.


  • Comprehensive analysis of the heating appliances market in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), including an assessment of market volume and segmentation by product groups.
  • In-depth examination of the macroeconomic situation in CEE to understand the economic factors influencing the heating appliances market.
  • Detailed investigation of the residential construction market in CEE, focusing on market segments and their impact on the demand for heating appliances.
  • Assessment of market growth trends for selected product groups in CEE, such as wall-hung gas boilers (conventional and condensing), floor-standing boilers (gas and oil), solid fuel boilers, heat pumps, electric heating, solar collectors, radiators, and other installation elements.
  • Development of a forecast for the future growth and development of the CEE installation and space heating market, considering market trends, emerging technologies, and regulatory factors.


  • Western Europe
  • Central & Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Other
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