Customer service price and offering benchmarking: Pricing analysis, competitive benchmarking against main competitors, evaluation of customer perception, and strategic guidance for positioning client’s service offerings.

The client gained valuable insights through a comprehensive assessment of its competitors’ performance in pricing, servicing components, and overall customer perception, explicitly focusing on patient monitoring systems and advanced hemodynamic monitoring devices.


  • Comprehensive understanding of the client’s customer service pricing and offerings in core European markets, focusing on advanced hemodynamic monitoring devices.
  • Validation of initial assumptions through detailed feedback and customer insights in key European markets.
  • Assessment of the alignment of the client’s customer service pricing and offerings with market expectations and competition in the European markets for advanced hemodynamic monitoring devices.


  • Analysis of the pricing structure for equipment servicing components, assessing their proportion in the final equipment cost.
  • Overview of the service offerings available in the market, including basic, standard, and premium options.
  • Identification of key stakeholders and their decision-making criteria in the services purchasing process.
  • Evaluation of customer satisfaction levels, pain points, and unmet needs with existing service providers.
  • Examination of key trends, expectations, and motivators shaping future service offerings, such as progressive pricing, total cost of ownership (TCO), cost predictability, and CAPEX vs. OPEX considerations.
  • Assessment of the potential for price differentiation based on different levels of servicing offerings (basic, standard, premium).
  • Competitive benchmarking of the client’s services against main competitors (customer perception), including comparisons with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and third-party providers.
  • Investigation of customers’ preferences and reasons for selecting specific types of providers (OEM, managed service provider, authorized service vendor, independent service provider, or others).
  • Validation of the desired positioning of the client’s customer service offering in terms of pricing across relevant European markets.


  • Western Europe
  • Central & Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Other
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