Building a strong foundation: uncovering opportunities in the Russian construction materials market.

The project gave the client a comprehensive understanding of the Russian construction industry and its associated materials, as well as helped to identify potential opportunities and challenges to inform strategic decision-making and optimize their market positioning.


  • Detailed analysis of the construction materials market, including supply and demand perspectives, sub-segments, administrative regions, and distribution channels.
  • Competitor mapping and benchmarking, including identification of market leaders and innovators, enriched by customer opinions and insights.
  • Accurate forecasting of the future performance of the construction industry and estimation of demand for construction materials, segmented by sub-segments, regions, and material types.


  • Conduct an extensive analysis of the Russian macroeconomic situation and its relationship with the construction industry.
  • Provide a comprehensive market segmentation and analysis of the Russian construction industry, including detailed sub-segments.
  • Deliver a detailed overview of the construction materials market, including supply and demand perspectives, segmented by sub-segments, regions, and material types.
  • Provide insight into the construction materials distribution channels and value chain.
  • Perform a competitive landscape analysis, including mapping and benchmarking the supply side and identification of market leaders and innovators, enriched by customer opinions and insights.
  • Understand the demand side needs and preferences in construction materials, including characteristics, pricing, transportation, supplier relations, payment forms, packaging, performance, unmet needs, and trends.
  • Analyze construction materials’ purchasing and decision-making processes, identifying decision-makers, influencers, factors, and decision-making stages.
  • Conduct a detailed forecast of the construction industry’s future performance and estimate the demand for construction materials by sub-segments, regions, and material types.
  • Provide a database of ongoing and planned construction projects.


  • Western Europe
  • Central & Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America
  • Other
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